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What are these 3 symptoms that tell you that your kidney is bad

What are these 3 symptoms that tell you that your kidney is bad

Today we are going to tell you that these three symptoms can be seen in your body. So you understand that your kidney is getting worse or is about to happen. So let us tell you by looking at which three symptoms you can find out.

By the way, the only way to detect kidney failure is by a doctor. But there are some such symptoms as well. Those who live at the time of any kidney disease or infection, you can find out by looking at them. Whether you have a bad kidney or not.

1. Changes in the body due to kidney failure

Swelling of the feet or legs, when the kidney does its work, provides sodium in the body if your kidney is getting worse. So the swelling on your feet and face increases to a great extent. With which you can find out. That your kidney is getting worse.

2. Weakness, fatigue or loss of appetite, fall of hemoglobin levels

Excessive urine ingestion, friction, or blood in urine, dry itching on the skin, lower back pain, lower abdomen If you see all these symptoms in your body. So understand that your kidney is getting worse. Do not be negligent in this situation. And see your doctor as soon as possible and get him treated.


If your kidneys are getting worse. So, this is the simplest way to keep it healthy. That you drink a lot of water so that sodium, toxin, and dirty substances get out of your body's urine. And contact your doctor and get it started as soon as possible.

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