Pokhran test completed 22 years. When India carried out five extremely powerful nuclear explosions, it faced all-round pressure.
National Technology Day is celebrated every year on 11 May as a celebration of the achievements made by Indian scientists and engineers in the field of science and technology. On this day in 1998, the government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee surprised the world by successfully testing nuclear missiles in Pokhran. This operation was named Pokhran-2.
The mission, headed by former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, was completed in such a way that the US intelligence agency CIA and its satellites did not even get a glimpse of it. Earlier, nuclear testing was done in the year 1974 in the government of Indira Gandhi. This operation was named 'Smiling Buddha'. Let me tell you how 22 years ago the Indian government carried out the Pokhran nuclear test in a very secretive way.
India did a nuclear test despite America's threat
After the first nuclear bomb test in 1974, India continued its nuclear program despite heavy global pressure. Narasimha Rao government gave the green signal for re-examination in 1995. But during this time, the US intelligence agency CIA captured India's nuclear bomb-making activities from its satellite. The US then issued a threat that if India continues the nuclear program, it will be banned.
Meanwhile, in 1996, Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the Prime Minister of India and ordered a nuclear test. His government collapsed just two days after this order. In 1998, Vajpayee was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India and came to power again. After becoming PM, Vajpayee again allowed Pokhran-2.
Indian scientists dodge America like this
The US intelligence agency CIA had installed four satellites to monitor Pokhran. That's why scientists first found out at what time the satellite of the US intelligence agency is not monitoring India. It was found that it was difficult to detect the activities of Pokhran from the satellite at night. So it was decided that all scientists would work at night.
On the day of the test, all the scientists came dressed in army uniforms so that America would feel that the army personnel were giving duty. Abdul Kalam was also present there in army uniform. All spoke to each other in code language. Atomic bombs were brought to Pokhran from 4 army trucks. Earlier, Jaisalmer base was brought from Mumbai to the Indian Air Force plane.
When the time came for testing, the winds were blowing towards the populated area. In such a situation, radiation could have spread if tested. Waited until the winds were calm. The direction of the winds changed in the afternoon. Eventually the explosion was carried out and a blast of smoke rose all over the sky. With this explosion, the day of May 11 became immortal. Today we celebrate this day every year as National Technology Day.
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