Actor Salman Khan has teased his new single song 'Tere Bina' on social media amid lockdown. In this video, actress Jacqueline Fernandez is seen romancing with Salman Khan under candlelight. Who is currently spending time at Salman's Panvel farmhouse? This song is sung and directed by Salman himself. It has been given lyrics by Shabbir Ahmed and Ajay Bhatia has composed. This video has very good visuals that have been shot at Salman's farmhouse. Both are seen spending time in solitude away from the big city. This teaser is only 32 seconds. In the video, Salman and Jacqueline are seen hugging each other.
Salman shared the teaser of this song on his official YouTube account, writing, 'Life is incomplete without that special person who lights up every turn of life. Every day there is a new beginning. My upcoming song 'Tere Bina Ka Teaser'. Also, Salman also shared a great poster of this song. Jacqueline wrote, 'Happy Mother's Day to all mothers. Look at this poster. '
Salman Khan and Jacqueline have previously worked together in the films 'Kick', 'Race 3'. It is reported that both of these screens will share in 'Kick 2'. At the same time, Salman Khan will be seen in the upcoming film 'Radhey'.
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